Just in case you aren’t aware, Web 2.0 is a term coined to describe the phletora of websites that exists nowadays catering to Internet users to have a place where they can network and participate in a more interactive way. Examples of web 2.0 based are Flickr, where users can share photos, and Wikipedia, a place where users can help to contribute to an article’s content either by editing or adding to it.
And not forgetting, blogging is also included in the web 2.0 family. Compared to the conventional fashion of publishing, it allows readers to share their views by commenting on it. And recently there’s a discussion of the possibilty of the third wave to hit the web in near future, the web 3.0.
What exactly is web 3.0? It basically means web browsing with 3D experience. If Web 2.0 is built towards the social side of the online world, web 3.0 is expected to be where the money will be made by the corporations. Although it have existed for quite some time now, but the exposure is for web 3.0 based applications more towards focused groups. This is possible, thanks to the development of faster processors and hi-speed broadband access that keep on coming our way nowadays.
Web 3.0 based applications are expected to be a virtual reality location where user and consumers can try anything.
Web 3.0 Essential Elements:
The Data Web - The Data Web is already in motion. Massive amounts of data are being published online every minute in reusable and remotely queryable formats such as XLM, RDF, Website Parse Template and Microformats. This data is ultimately building the architecture for a more advanced categorization that will dictate the way both humans and crawlers seek and retrieve information.
The Semantic Web/SOA - The Semantic Web, as it is coined today, is based partially on present data grouping capability and partially on yet to be implemented or realized machine reading and understanding capability. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) allows different applications to exchange data with one another as they participate in business processes with the goal of coupling the services of operating systems, programming languages and applications. Together, the Semantic Web and SOA are envisioned to build a highly intelligent, multifunctional wired environment for sharing and retrieving information, both for humans and machines.
Ubiquitous Connectivity - As PC and CE (Consumer Electronics) technologies converge with video as the primary focus, traditional television viewing, computer usage and mobile phone usage are becoming interconnected, synonymous properties. With this convergence on the horizon, ubiquitous connectivity as it’s called, appears to be an obvious backbone in the emergence of Web 3.0.
An example would be the Second Life, where more than 1 million players, including offline merchants participate.
Other example is SpaceTime3D. After you type in your search term, you will see pictures of the web pages for your search. You can shuffle through these pages to make finding the information you are looking for easier.
I have been using SpaceTime3D and yesterday I emailed a comment to community@spacetime.com. They sent me the following Info:
"You can search using SpaceTime3D any time directly from Firefox's and Internet Explorer's toolbar as shown below. You can choose this option while you are on our search page (http://search.spacetime.com) and select "SpaceTime" from the drop-down menu.
Please make note of the following:
This is a Beta - We think its really good but it isn't ready for public release yet. You may find things that aren't perfect. We really depend on your feedback to help make SpaceTime3D better. This is so important to us that I am asking you to send feedback and criticism to us at community@spacetime.com. We promise to be extremely responsive in getting back to you and making improvements. Help us make SpaceTime3D great
We´re adding content - Now you can enjoy 3D Search (or Visual Search) from sites like Google, Wikipedia, About.com,Answers.com and Amazon. We're excited to expand this list of content but we want to make sure we make SpaceTime3D as good as it can be first.
It´s usefull- Because SpaceTime3D works in any browser without a download, we think it's easily accessible, time-saving (because you no longer have to click back and forth between a list of search results and the actual web pages you really want to see) and fun.
Feedback- As a new website, we are sure you'll find ways to help us improve SpaceTime3D and make it better. We welcome your feedback during this Private Beta and trust that you'll give us time to improve before you blog about it. Please email us comments at community@spacetime.com
Mac Users - Thank you so much for your continued patience. With the Mac's superior graphics and performance we are certain that SpaceTime3D will be especially captivating and useful for you.
Tech specs- SpaceTime3D works best with newer more powerful computers that have access to high speed broadband. Furthermore, we ask that you set your computer to a minimum of 1280 x 800 screen resolution or greater for the best experience.
Thank you for using SpaceTime3D! "
Instead of moving at the speed of light, the evolution of the internet, and technology in general, seems to take lightspeed jumps. Now start to enjoy The Web 3.0.